New Paleo Carrot Cake with Creamy Dairy Free Frosting


Paleo-Carrot-Cake-1024x682.jpg***Before I tell you about the recipe for this week, I need to let you know about an amazing opportunity to learn from the best and brightest about Paleo at PaleoCon.

Next week, 25 experts, including 2 successful Olympic and CrossFit female athletes, Mark Sisson, Chris Kresser, Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf, Stefani Ruper, and Denise Minger, will tell you how to make Paleo work for your life and your health. They’ll bust myths, educate the heck out of you, and show you how to make delicious Paleo desserts, among other things.

I’m super excited about this because some of my favorite female figures in the Paleo and athletic world will be presenting on topics close to my heart.

Alright, continuing with our dessert month at Paleo Plan, we have a mouth-watering recipe for you today: carrot cake! With frosting ohmygod! Seriously, I’m pretty psyched about this new recipe, and you should be, too :)

Traditional carrot cake is loaded with refined sugar and flour, and usually topped with a dairy-laden frosting that is definitely not Paleo friendly. If you still want to enjoy this moist and tender spice cake while sticking to your Paleo principles, this cake will fit the bill. Sweetened with a bit of maple syrup or honey, it’s full of good-for-you ingredients that won’t weigh you down.

The frosting is creamy and delicious, yet completely free of dairy. It pairs beautifully with the cake, and makes eating dessert something that you don’t have to feel (too) guilty about! So just a little word of caution – this cake is very calorie dense, as you’ll see in the nutrition info, so eat at your own discretion! It’s worth it, though – I promise.

Enjoy! And please let me know what you think in the comments below!

Get the recipe in our recipe center here!