POTG Bone Broth Review

Paleo-Grass-Fed-Beef-Bone-Broth-Paleo-on-the-Go-298x300.pngIf you’ve been in the Paleo community for more than two seconds, you’ve undoubtedly heard about bone broth. Maybe you’ve even read blog posts or books on the subject. Maybe you’ve made your own in a crockpot or a pressure cooker. Maybe you drink a mug every morning, or maybe you add it to your soup stock.

Whatever the case, bone broth is arguably one of the healthiest foods that exists. It’s amazing for people of all ages, and can even be used as one of baby’s first foods. It helps to repair the lining of the gut, and it helps to replenish minerals and fatty acids to bodies that are overworked and overstressed.

But. (There is always a “but,” isn’t there?) But many people complain to me that they don’t have the time to make bone broth. They would drink it or eat it, but trying to work it into their busy life schedules with demanding jobs, many kids, or health problems feels insurmountable. Enter the wonderfully convenient ready-made bone broth from POTG. While they did provide a sample for me to review, I also purchased several containers on my own. The POTG bone broth tastes just like you would expect real bone broth to. It is mild enough to be used along with soup stock to make your favorite recipe, and it can easily be warmed and sipped as part of a daily wellness routine or when you’re feeling a bit under the weather.

The best part about POTG’s beef bone broth is that I didn’t have to cook it, but it didn’t contain the preservatives that the store-bought ones do. It might as well have come out of my own kitchen. They ship their products frozen on dry ice, so you can order up a nice freezer full, where it can remain until you need it. Instead of having to find time to make bone broth, you can pull out your container as needed.

Why Is Bone Broth So Good For You?

As a point of review, let’s go over all of the nutrients that bone broth contains.

  • Collagen
  • Gelatin
  • Glycine
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorous
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium

Those nutrients are superfoods for your bones, your blood, your gut, and your cardiovascular system, not to mention the rest of your entire body. You can read more specifics about the good things that bone broth can do for your body here.

If you’ve never tried it before, and you’re scared to jump in by making your own, there is truly no better way than to order up some delicious bone broth from POTG. As a bonus, if it’s your first order from POTG, you can save 10% by using the code PALEOPLAN.

Aimee McNewAimee McNew

Aimee McNew, MNT, CNTP, is a certified nutritionist who specializes in women’s health, thyroid disorders, autoimmunity, and fertility. She is the author of The Everything Guide to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: A Healing Plan for Managing Symptoms Naturally (Simon & Schuster, 2016). Follow her on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.