Strawberry Coconut Candy

This Paleo Strawberry Coconut Candy recipe can be made with any type of freeze-dried fruit throughout the year, but they’re particularly nice for Valentine’s Day as an alternative to all the chocolate out there. If you don’t have a heart shaped candy mold, you can use any other shape of candy mold or a mini muffin pan that you’ll fill only part way.

If you enjoyed this Strawberry Coconut Candy recipe, try our All-Natural Fruit Roll-Ups recipe next time. For more delicious and Paleo dessert recipes (and hundreds of other FREE Paleo recipes), visit our Paleo Plan recipe center!

1 serving is 4 candies.

Strawberry Coconut Candy
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Strawberry Coconut Candy

Servings 4

Total Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Passive Time: 15 minutes

Nutrition Information

calories 304

carbohydrate 13g

protein 2g

fat 28g


  • 1 cup(s) strawberries, freeze-dried
  • 1/4 cup(s) coconut butter very-soft (melted) - about 1/2 cup room temp for 4 servings
  • 2 tablespoon(s) coconut oil


  1. Place candy mold in the freezer.
  2. Add freeze-dried strawberries to a magic bullet, blender or food processor and set aside.
  3. Place ½ cup room temperature coconut butter in a small glass dish or jar and place in an inch of simmering water for 1 or 2 minutes until very soft or melted.
  4. Mix melted coconut butter and coconut oil together, pour on top of strawberries and blend everything together.
  5. Take candy mold out of the freezer and pour strawberry-coconut mixture into the individual molds (makes 16 hearts.)
  6. Refrigerate until set, about 15 minutes.