Paleo Plan often gets requests from different companies in the Paleosphere (or not) to do promos on our site because our audience is, well, rather large. Some of these products – like coconut oil, pastured meats, coconut ice cream, fermented veggies, and awesome fat from FatWorks – are things we really love and think you will, too.
So we do blog posts about them, shout outs on Twitter and Facebook, and let people know about them in our newsletters. We ask those companies to give you discounts, and lately we’ve even been doing giveaways for you guys.
Our question to you is this: what kinds of products would you like to see promoted on the site? What kinds of things do you NOT want to see on the site? Or would you rather not see these kinds of promotions in your newsletters, blog posts, and on our Facebook page?
We want to hear from you! Please use the comments below or email [email protected] to let us know how you feel about seeing promotions for other companies on Paleo Plan, and what kinds of products you’d like to have us review and offer discounts on, if any?