Simple Soup with Bone Broth (Bacon) -AIP

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Simple Soup with Bone Broth (Bacon) -AIP

Servings 2

Total Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Nutrition Information

calories 247

carbohydrate 12g

protein 37g

fat 21g


  • 4 cup(s) Simple Bone Broth (recipe)
  • 1 medium carrot(s) sliced
  • 1 medium celery stalk(s) sliced
  • 1 cup(s) greens, mixed kale, chard, or bok choy, chopped
  • 10 slice(s) bacon about 1/2 pound per 2 servings


  1. Combine broth, carrots, and celery in a large saucepan (covered) and bring to a boil over high heat.
  2. Reduce heat to simmer, add peas, greens, and meat, and simmer 5 minutes more.
  3. Serve warm