We are proud to present you with our 21-Day Paleo Cleanse eBook. This ebook will help you get on the right dietary track once and for all.
The meal plan in the 21-Day Paleo Cleanse eBook is different from our subscription service meal plan and the Quickstart Guide and Paleo Challenge eBook in that it doesn’t contain any of the foods that are discouraged for people with autoimmune diseases, or that are commonly known to irritate the gut lining: eggs, nightshades, dairy, nuts, and seeds.
The 21-Day Paleo Cleanse eBook contains:
- 70 pages of information, FAQ’s, and tips
- A complete 3-week meal plan for a cleanse
- Over 50 recipes for the 21-day cleanse
This cleanse is for you if you just need to press the restart button on your diet. It will help you decrease inflammation of all kinds, lose weight, and tackle those symptoms that a normal Paleo diet hasn’t cleared up. It’s the only comprehensive meal plan out there specifically for people with autoimmune diseases and allergies to eggs and/or nuts.
Follows The Autoimmune Protocol
Robb Wolf laid out his Autoimmune Protocol here, and Loren Cordain goes into great detail about multiple sclerosis in particular in this video here. They both agree that nightshades and eggs may contribute to gut inflammation, or “leaky gut”, which is one of the first phases of developing an autoimmune disease. It all starts in the gut, after all.
Goes Beyond Just Eggs And Nightshades
But beyond eggs and nightshades, we’ve noticed that nuts and seeds cause inflammation for a lot of our readers and Neely’s clients as well. In light of that, we took nuts and seeds out of the meal plan so that you can find out if you have a sensitivity, or immune response, to them. We went even further, though, and suggested that you stop drinking caffeine and alcohol for the three weeks, although this is optional. Coffee is a common “cross-reactor” with gluten, meaning that if you have a negative response to gluten, you may also have a negative response to coffee because it looks like gluten to your body.
Taking all of these foods out of your diet, whether you’ve been on a normal Paleo diet before this or not, will help you determine if you have problems with any of these foods. It’ll give your gut and immune system a much needed break, and likely rid you of some of those nagging inflammatory symptoms like digestive problems, joint pain, skin issues, headaches, and more.
For People with Egg, Nut, and Seed Allergies
The 21-Day Paleo Cleanse eBook is partially dedicated to all of our readers who’ve requested a meal plan for egg allergies and nut allergies. These people often have severe reactions to one or both of those foods, so we wanted to provide them with a safe, step-by-step guide to eating Paleo.
We’re thrilled to be able to provide you all with this new ebook, and we’re confident that this tool will help you reach your health and weight goals!
For more details about this exciting new ebook and to purchase it, please visit this page: www.paleoplan.com/shop/21-day-paleo-cleanse-ebook/ or