I’m very excited to announce our new Paleo Plan 30-Day Challenge Facebook Group!
We’ve created the Paleo Challenge Group Page so that people can ask questions, find support, and learn from others’ experiences.
We all need encouragement and information when we’re doing something as crazy as changing our entire diet! I know I did. So if you’re doing a Paleo Challenge or planning to do one soon, please go on over and “like” the page, introduce yourself, and let us know your goals for the challenge.
——> Like the Paleo Plan 30-Day Paleo Challenge Facebook Page HERE <—–
Oh, and please please tell your friends and family who are in Paleo challenge mode about the community page, too!
I’ll be updating the page with motivational tidbits, info on Paleo in general, and discussing common issues like the detox period, what and how many carbs to eat, caffeine and alcohol cessation, and other good stuff. These are some of my favorite topics, so bring on the questions!
This is an ongoing community page and conversation, so wherever you may be in the process of doing a Paleo challenge, you’re welcome to take part in the Challenge Page.
Even if you’re not following the meal plan and guidelines in our Quickstart Guide and Paleo Challenge eBook, we’d love to hear from you!
If you’re interested in a complete guide to doing a Paleo Challenge, ours is a great option, if I do say so myself :)
It’s an easy way to dial in your diet and commit to eating Paleo for 30 days straight. It has a complete 6-week meal plan, over a hundred recipes, about 70 pages of info on the diet, and instructions on how to properly record your progress during a challenge. And of course, if you do choose to use the Quickstart Guide & Paleo Challenge eBook, we’d love to see you on the Facebook page!!
See you there!
——> Join the Paleo Plan 30-Day Paleo Challenge Facebook Group HERE <—–